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Please Provide The Following Information when booking a stall:
Full Name Address Telephone Contact: Email Comtact State how many stalls you require Below is a photo of Brother Aftab Ali, senior designer for AH Institute(left) and Sidi Muhammad Umar al Budally, the photo was taken in the house of As Shaykh Abdur Rahman weld Haj Hafidullah, son of Shaykh Murabit al Hajj Hafidullah of Mauritania(Right) Above left is the interior of the Siddiqi Zawiyah in Tangiers, Morocco. As Shaykh Hafidth Al Hadith Ahmad bin Sidddiq bin Muhammad al Ghumari (ra) built it in memory of his beloved father. Just at the bottom is the grave of Shaykh Ahmad (ra) father (ra), and two younger brothers (ra). |
For Further Information Please Contact: Brother Siddiq on |