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Recent Photos of Al Hambra, Granada, Spain and Tangiers Morocco
Photos were taken by

Aftab Ali

Siddiqi Ali

Sidi Muhammad Umar al Budally (Sidi took very few)

Some Caligraphy


Allahu Akab

This is What the Muslims Made

Words can't describe the beauti

Allahu akab

A Reminder of Paradise

Ya Latif

& we thought Buckingham Palace was beautiful Subhanullah

Dhikr of Allah everywhere

Old Quarters of Al Hambra

The Gardens of Al Hambra

Reminder of Jannah


Allah is most mercyful

The interior above Shaykh Abdullah (ra) Grave, Tangiers, Morocco

Sidi Muhammad Umar having a laughing, just before there enter the Zawiyah, Br Siddiq seems confused and shocked by the blessing he as received

People of Tangiers, Morocco

Brother Aftab took these photos

And this one

Our Dear and Noble Shaykh in Tariqah
Grand Shaykh of the Siddiqi Tariqa
As Shaykh Hafidth Hasan Bin Siddiq al Ghumari Hafidullah

As Shaykh Hafidth Ibrahim Bin Siddiq al Ghumari Hafidullah, the younger brother of Shaykh Hasan Hafidullah

Another one

and another one

Shaykh Ibrahim Hafidullah house in Tangiers, Morocco

Shaykh Abdul Wadood & his three Daughters, all of them knew 30 lines of Alfiyah Ibn Malik Subhanullah

Shaykh Abdul Wadood Maternal uncle

Entering The Zawiyah

Copyright 2002 by the Abu Hanifah Institute. All rights reserved.